If you’ve played sports or been around a gym long enough, chances are you’ve spotted someone wearing kinesiology tape (or k tape, for short). So, what is it and why do people use it? This type of treatment can be remarkably helpful when dealing with a nagging injury, acute injury, or even to help prevent injury. The benefits of kinesiology tape are numerous, with pretty much zero downside. Let’s discuss it a bit more.

What Is K Tape?

K tape is a therapeutic tape made of cotton and nylon designed to be applied to the body. It’s thin, flexible, and super sticky – which means it moves with the body and generally stays put for at least 3-4 days. Even though it may seem new, taping for muscle support and athletic performance has been around since the 60s. But modern tape as we know it was re-introduced in 2003 and skyrocketed in popularity by 2008. There are many brands, some of which you may have heard of including KT Tape, Rock Tape, and Kinesio Tape.

How Does It Work?

The science behind why taping works lies in its elasticity. Once it’s applied, it shrinks back slightly, lifting the surface layers of the skin. This creates space between the skin and the tissues below it, thus reducing friction and irritation. If an area of the body is inflamed due to injury, by giving it more space, you effectively reduce pain. In addition, the presence of the tape on the skin has an interesting effect on the brain. Your skin (and the tissues below it) contain receptors that sense pain, touch, and temperature. The lifting action of the tape changes the way your brain perceives the tissues in that area, which can provide relief from pain and even increase your range of motion.

The Many Benefits Of Kinesiology Tape

Aside from the simple lifting action of the tape giving space to the underlying irritated tissues, people report numerous other benefits. It adds a feeling of support to the injured area, and the presence of the tape feels like a “reminder” to take it easy on the affected body part. Our patients also report an almost immediate sense of pain relief, not always completely, but typically a significant decrease. And those are just the outward signals! Internally, you get increased circulation to the area which speeds healing and decreases inflammation.

Ask Us About Taping

On your next visit, feel free to ask us about taping and what benefits it can offer you. We love using it in conjunction with your regular NMT routine as it helps to support the body between visits. Plus, it’s non-invasive and carries almost no risk (some people may experience sensitivity to the adhesive). Many of our patients tell us that taping makes a positive impact on their pain and mobility. Find out for yourself the many benefits of k tape, schedule your appointment today!