If you think you can maintain your body once a month with a 90-minute massage, we have some bad news for you. While this might be relaxing, infrequent bodywork doesn’t yield long-lasting results. Body maintenance is best performed regularly – weekly or biweekly at the most. We have found that patients stay healthier and pain-free when they commit to frequent sessions. Now you might be thinking that you don’t have the time or money to devote to weekly sessions. That’s why we’ve developed a membership program designed to make it easy to take care of your body.

Is Your Health On The Back Burner?

Many of us have gotten in the habit of putting our health on the back burner. We are too busy with work and family, and any time leftover is limited. Maybe you scrape together enough time to hit the gym a few times a week, but do you have enough time to properly warm up, cool down, and stretch? Or maybe even a daily walk feels unachievable under mountains of housework, meal preparation, and all the other demands of life. But think of your health as a bank account – are you making regular deposits to keep it in the positive? Are you eating nutritious meals, sleeping 6-8 hours, and moving on a regular basis? Your body keeps score just like a bank account, and asking too much of it (withdrawals) leads to a negative balance.

Body Maintenance Made Easy At OM

We know it’s hard to make time to take care of your body. And too many of our clients began to slip into the once-a-month habit, only to return with the same problem each time. As a result, most of the sessions feel like damage control. We decided to change our approach to help clients stay committed to their health. That’s why we created our membership plans:

  • Maintenance O-M Membership ($169.99/mo) – 4 sessions/mo
  • Complete Body Rehab Program ($299.99/mo) – 8 sessions/mo

Think you can’t come in once or twice a week? Think again! These short (15-20 min) but powerful sessions require no undressing – simply come by on your lunch break, or before/after work for your “tune-up” and be on your way! How can such a short session be so effective? Years of experience allow us to identify problem areas within a few minutes. NMT techniques are targeted, releasing adhesions in the fascia quickly. You’ll get better results from 4 weekly sessions than one 90-minute massage. Don’t believe us? We encourage you to give it a try to see for yourself. Book your initial consultation with us today to get started.