The human body is incredibly complex, with lots of moving pieces that work together (relatively) seamlessly. But sometimes, things can go awry – and that usually results in pain and loss of mobility. Whether you’re dealing with an acute injury or nagging issues, often times the fascia tissue is playing a role. When clients come to us, we find that many of them aren’t exactly sure what fascia is or what it does. So, let’s talk about it.

What Is Fascia Tissue?

Fascia is a type of thin connective tissue that surrounds your muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves, and bones – really every part of your body. It gives support and structure, and when healthy, it moves as you move. Made primarily of collagen, it contains multiple layers separated by a liquid called hyaluronan.

Sometimes, It Gets Stuck

The thing about fascia is that we tend to only pay attention to it when something has gone wrong. This typically presents as an adhesion, an area where the tissue has tightened and no longer moves freely. People report that it feels “stuck,” causing restricted movement and pain. It can even involve the nerves, causing burning or shooting pain. Since fascia is everywhere, it’s nearly impossible to avoid adhesions. But, staying active, stretching, and even doing some foam rolling at home can help keep it healthy.

Neuromuscular Therapy Can Help

The techniques used in NMT are specifically designed to address adhesions in the fascia, restoring its natural movement and relieving pain. The key is not waiting too long to get treatment (typically, this makes it harder to release) and maintaining a consistent treatment schedule to keep your fascia in good working order. This plus at-home care like stretching, foam rolling, and icing will have you feeling pretty good on a regular basis.

If you’d like to learn more about fascia and how neuromuscular therapy can benefit you, schedule an appointment today. We would be happy to discuss our membership options with you, which are both affordable and convenient! Start taking better care of your body in 2024 by adding NMT to your self care routine. We look forward to seeing you!